Friday, September 9, 2011

Adi Putra / Ady Putra (Handsome Actor With Hot Muscle Body)

Not to downgrading actors from Malaysia, but I think actors from Singapore are hotter and spicier. This hot actor is a total hunk with his muscular body and handsome face. By the way, he is also a good actor because he able to change his face and style from beauty to the beast.

Looking so DAMN HOT without cloth!!!
Love his chest and nipples.... so lickable!

... but I think picture below shows the beast side. really dislike him in this style but this is his job coz he is playing the bad role in the movie., pub-7161773966094425, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


cheongkokchoy said...

He was Singaporean! Not Malaysian-lah!!

Anonymous said...

He is still a Sporean with a Malaysia Permanent Resident.Meaning holding Malaysia red ic

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