Thursday, June 3, 2021

Afiq Yasin

Afiq Yasin is the winner for Manhunt 2018.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Yong Kian Yik (Hottest Computer Geek)

Yong Kian Yik was Mister World Malaysia 2019. He has a BA degree in business marketing and works as a SEO and digital marketer with ambitions of working online doing what he loves, with his blog channel and to travel the world. Hobbies include art, reading, working out, music, exploring and travelling. He has travelled to 15 different countries alone with his 60 litre backpack for 309 days. Personal Motto: ‘Everything happens for a reason. We will never know until we try.’

 By the way, computer geek is not nerd anymore 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Nasrul Zahari (The Hunky Economist )

Nasrul Zahari or his fullname Muhammad Nasrul Izzati bin Zahari is Mister Model Worldwide (4th Runner Up) 2019. He was born on 23rd June 1994. He has BSc in Economicse from Michigan State University, USA Currently undergoing postgraduate study in Economics at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor.

Touching the happiness…

Nalay Warrior, pub-7161773966094425, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Jo Nasi Lemak The Hot Boy