Saturday, May 29, 2021

Yusuf Tony

Yusuf Tony or Mohd Yusuf Tony is Mister Universal Ambassador Malaysia 2015 and Mister World Malaysia 2016. He appear in many ads and magazine several years ago. He is now a fitness trainer and ambassador for some fitness products. He is married and become father of two children.

My name is Mohd Yusuf Tony and I am 25yrs old. I was born at Labuan in Sabah. My mom is a Selagorian girl who grew at a small town called Hulu Langat and my father was a Sabahan guy and lived as an orphan child without her mom and father but has been adopted by his grandma. I am the 5th out of 6th children..I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters..My first brother is a banker, second brother is a mechanic and third is an engineer. And two of my sis are not working. And im the second to the last. Im working at the company called Celcom.. I stay with my dreams from childhood is only to make my parents happy to see me in their entire life.
(His resume taken from blog Apollo Male Gods)

Photos from his Instagram 

My SEXY Aladdin



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