Friday, September 11, 2009



AzAz said...

wow... like him... mmmm nice! more more more

Anonymous said...

whats his full name?
and his profile too...

Anonymous said...

he's like a black guy with a malay face.. err.. rarely seen..
but he's still hot though..

Anonymous said...

nice body

Anonymous said...

hansem giler

Anonymous said...

he jjust looks like my scandal during uni dlu. so hot..

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

OMG i cant belive this.. he's my fren n malaysian athelete

Anonymous said...

sumpah xcari lain!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

friendster beliau;

Anonymous said...

he is fucking hot he has a cute dick heheheh

Anonymous said...

nak..nak..n...nakk kuneks dia....pasti penuh lubang jubor klu kena sontot ngan dia ni...arghhhhhhh!gila aku

Anonymous said...

dak ni atlet UPM.. lari laju gile

KZ said...

Search FB : Iky Nor

Merong Mahawangsa said...

Eh korang ade phone dia ker, aku sanggup sponsor

Anonymous said...

dia macam scandal aku mase study dulu.. hehe.. but I think my scandal got better body than him..

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