Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Idris Khan

He is also a contestant in Hero Remaja 2007/2008. He also nominated as female magazine 50 Gorgeous People 2008. Gosip not available recently anywhere may be coz he is not controversial people. I just able to find pics during his Hero Rema ja timw and his modelling photo shoot.
Name : Idris Khan
Age : 20
Occupation Date of Birth : : Student / Model / Entrepreneur 15 December 1988
Hobbies : Outdoor sports, working out, ice hockey
Idol(s) : Marcus Schenkerberg, Howards Hughes
Who is the most gorgeous person and why? Allesandra Ambrosio - she's beautiful and she's smart, plus she's a Victoria's Secret model.
(Profile from http://www.femalemag.com.my/g50_profile3.asp#23 . Pics from http://aizatcintagoddess.blogspot.com/2008/07/male-model-fresh.html and http://flickr.com/photos/hanny44/sets/72157606383731192/)google.com, pub-7161773966094425, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

he is so gay

Anonymous said...

just lurve him..=]

Anonymous said...

sexy lips..;>

fazly said...

hai apa kbak

fazly said...

hai apa kbar

Anonymous said...

i think 2nd comenter is female.
this is what i say stupid.
bodoh lagi bangang.xtau nak beza mane satu tulen n gay.memang bodoh gile pompuan ni.elok mampos je masa dlm perut lagi,menysahkan org betol.

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